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Education Modules

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IKC Shutting The Door On HPV

Shutting the Door on HPV Cancers

Estimated time to complete: 25-30 minutes
Audience: Healthcare Providers and Teams
This is a 0.5-hour Continuing Education (CE) activity. CE is available at no cost to physicians, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurses, and nurse practitioners.

After taking this module you will be able to:

  • Explain why HPV vaccine is important enough to be routinely recommended for young people (i.e., HPV cancer prevention).
  • Give an HPV vaccination recommendation that is effective and succinct using the same way, same day approach to the introduction of HPV vaccine.
  • Answer the most frequently asked questions about HPV vaccine accurately and succinctly.

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IKC Protecting Kansans with Immuization

Protecting Kansans with Immunization

Estimated time to complete: 5-10 minutes
Audience: General

The purpose of this quick module is to introduce you to the importance of immunizations, the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases, and why maintaining state childhood vaccination policies is crucial to the health of children, pregnant women, and adults.

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IKC Protecting Kansans with Immuization

Protegiendo a las residentes de Kansas por medio de las vacunas

Tiempo estimado para completar: 5-15 minutos
Audiencia: Kansans que hablan español

Los objetivos de este curso rápido son presentarte nuestras perspectivas sobre la importancia de las vacunas y la razón por la cual mantener las políticas de vacunación para los niños en Kansas es fundamental para la salud no solo de los niños, sino también de las mujeres embarazadas y los adultos.


IKC Preventing Flu Graphic

Preventing Flu

Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes
Audience: Healthcare Providers and Teams

In this module we'll detail the burden of influenza disease, explore Kansas' immunization rates, and dive into recommended methods for increasing immunization rates in your office. You'll also practice giving patients succinct and accurate answers to some common flu vaccine questions.

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Family Module

Family Perspectives on Vaccines

Estimated time to complete: 15-20 minutes
Audience: General

You want the very best for your family, and immunization is the best way to protect them from many harmful diseases. This module will give you key facts about vaccination, outline the vaccines your children and/or teens need, and provide reliable information to base your family’s health decisions.

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Family Module

Faith Perspectives on Vaccines

Estimated time to complete: 15-20 minutes
Audience: General

This module intends to help answer the question of how we can understand the importance of vaccines in the context of our faith. Topics include how vaccines protect us and our neighbor, taking care of the physical body God gave us, the history of faith and vaccination, resources for different faiths, and more!

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IKC Youth Modules Series Graphic

Youth Module Series

Estimated time to complete each module: 20-40 minutes (1.5 - 2hrs for full series)
Audience: High School Students

This series contains three modules: Vaccinating Adolescents, Vaccines for Infants, and Identifying Vaccine Misinformation.

Learn about the four vaccines recommended for adolescents! Did you know that there is a vaccine to protect you from getting certain cancers? Then learn about the nine diseases we can protect infants from by giving them routine, recommended vaccines. Wrap up the series with a module that walks through how to assess websites and media reports to base your health decisions on accurate and reliable information.

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IKC Vaccines for My Baby during My Pregnancy

Vaccines for My Baby during Pregnancy

Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes
Audience: Pregnant Women

When you’re pregnant there are many things that you should and shouldn’t do. One thing you should do is get the vaccines that are recommended during pregnancy. In this module, you will learn about the importance of getting flu, Tdap, RSV, and COVID-19 vaccines, while also getting answers to common questions you may have about vaccines during pregnancy.

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IKC Increasing Vaccine Uptake in Pregnant Women

Increasing Vaccine Uptake in Pregnant Women

Estimated time to complete: 1 hour
Audience: Clinical Personnel Who Care for Pregnant Women

In this module clinical personnel who care for pregnant women will learn how to increase immunization rates in their clinic.

After taking this module you will be able to:

  • Confidently recommend influenza (flu), Tdap, RSV, and COVID-19 vaccines based on the evidence of
    •  Flu, Pertussis, RSV, and COVID-19 disease severity and
    •  Vaccine effectiveness and safety
  • Use evidence-based communication techniques to communicate the value of vaccination
  • Evaluate possible workflow changes to increase immunization rates

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