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Data Dashboard

HPV Vaccine Coverage Male/Female (adolescents age 13-17 years)

Female 1-dose Female Up-To-Date Male 1-dose Male Up-To-Date
Kansas 74.5% 59.4% 76.2% 61.3%
United States 78.5% 64.0% 75.1% 59.0%

HPV Vaccine Coverage Both Male and Female (adolescents age 13-17 years)

Male and Female Up-To-Date
Kansas 60.4%
United States 61.4%

Key Vaccines Coverage
(combined 7-vaccine series for children 19-35 months | Tdap and menACWY for adolescents age 13-17 years | influenza for all persons over 6 months age)

Combined 7-
vaccine series*
Tdap MenACWY Influenza
Kansas 65.3% 88.6% 90.7% 47.6%
United States 73.9% 89.0% 88.4% 49.3%
*The combined 7-vaccine series (4:3:1:3*:3:1:4) includes ≥4 doses of DTaP, ≥3 doses of Polio, ≥1 dose of measles-containing vaccine, Hib full series, ≥3 HepB, ≥1 Var, and ≥4 PCV.
Estimated Vaccination Coverage for Recommended Vaccines to be Completed by Age 24 Months graph

  4+DTaP 3+Polio 1+MMR Hib-FS 3+HepB 1+Var 4+PCV 2+HepA Rotavirus
Kansas 98% 91% 87% 78% 89% 88% 77% 76% 79%
United States 88% 94% 93% 82% 93% 93% 85% 77% 76%
  Hib-FS 3+HepB 1+Var
Kansas 84% 95% 92%
United States 84% 94% 94%
  4+PCV 2+HepA Rotavirus
Kansas 86% 80% 81%
United States 86% 78% 77%

Estimated pneumococcal vaccination among adults graph
Age Group (Years)
(At risk)
Kansas 34% 73%
United States 31% 70%
HP2020 Target 60% 90%

* - At risk individuals: Individuals who have self-reported having one or more of the following: 1 )having current asthma; 2)ever being told by a health professional they have diabetes, myocardial infarction, angina or coronary heart disease; 3) being a current smoker; or 4) ever being told by a health professional they have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema or chronic bronchitis, or cancer (excluding skin cancer).

Pneumococcal vaccination coverage among adults 18-64 years at increased risk and ≥65 years, Td and Tdap vaccination coverage among adults ≥18 years, and shingles vaccination among adults ≥60 years, by State, HHS Region, and the United States, BRFSS, 2022

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The Kansas Department of Health and Environment conducts Immunization Coverage Assessments into the statewide vaccination records of various age groups across the state. The reports aim to provide an understanding of the vaccination coverages in the state and how they compare to the recommendations by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the American College Health Association (ACHA). A primary benefit to these reports is the ability to see vaccination coverage at a local level (e.g. by county), which is not possible through national resources. Click on the links below to view a highlight of the respective report's data, and a link report itself.

NEW! 2023-24 Kindergarten Immunization Coverage Survey


KDHE Kindergarten Immunization Dashboard


The Kindergarten Immunization Dashboard shows data from the Kindergarten Immunization Coverage Survey. The survey is a collection of vaccination records for children enrolled in a kindergarten class at Kansas public and private schools during the school year. Statewide vaccination coverage levels are calculated and various factors assessed. This study includes children between the ages of five and seven.

"The VaxView websites provide vaccination coverage data for all ages. Monitoring coverage for recommended vaccinations across the country helps CDC assess how well local areas, states, and the nation are protected from vaccine-preventable diseases." (CDC)