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Info For College Students

Info For College Students

Vaccination and College Life

You're on your own, figuring out this "adulting" thing, and pursuing your goals and dreams. But have you checked that you're protected from vaccine-preventable diseases?

Be proactive about your health by getting vaccinated. Learn what vaccines you need and how to get vaccinated. Your health and future are worth protecting!

What vaccines are recommended for college-age students?

To keep yourself and others safe and healthy, it's important for college students to get both the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine this year. You can get both of these vaccines from several convenient locations - including your campus health center, pharmacies, and the local health department - and you can even get both of them at the same time! Getting vaccinated is easy, safe, and will help keep you and your friends from getting sick.

COVID-19 Vaccine

All available COVID-19 vaccines are extremely safe and highly effective against severe illness, hospitalization, and death due to COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States meet the FDA's rigorous standards for safety and effectiveness. Serious health effects from vaccines are very rare and it's highly unlikely that COVID-19 vaccines will cause long-term health problems. Your risk for serious health problems is much lower from the vaccine than your risk if you're unvaccinated and get COVID-19.
Influenza Vaccine

Influenza (flu) is a potentially serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different, and influenza can affect people differently, but millions of people get flu every year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized and thousands to tens of thousands of people die from flu-related causes every year. Flu can mean a few days of feeling bad and missing work or it can result in more serious illness.

An annual seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to help protect against flu. Vaccination has been shown to have many benefits including reducing the risk of flu illnesses, hospitalizations and even the risk of flu-related death in children. (Source: CDC)
There are also two other vaccines you should know about that are recommended to get between the ages of 11-16 years: the Meningococcal and HPV vaccines. Hopefully you've already gotten them, but if you check and find out that you haven't, it would be a good idea to get caught-up on these vaccines as soon as possible.
Meningococcal (MenACWY) Vaccine

Getting vaccinated is the best defense against meningococcal disease. Meningococcal meningitis is caused by bacteria that can infect the areas around the brain, spinal cord or the bloodstream. Symptoms include stiff neck, headache, and high fever. NOTICE THE SIMILARITY TO FLU SYMPTOMS? While it's rare, infection can lead to brain damage, lasting disability, disfigurement, and it can be fatal within hours.

About one in ten people who get meningitis will die from it even if treated. College students are at higher risk of meningococcal disease because of close living quarters, coughing, kissing, etc. (Source: New York Department of Health)

Check out the Meningitis B Student Hub! This online resource was created in collaboration with students across the country to make it easier to educate and advocate for Meningitis B prevention on college campuses. In this hub, find simple key messages to explain Meningitis B, education materials for download, sample presentations and even inspirational podcasts! A Meningococcal Vaccine can be life saving.
HPV Vaccine

HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, is a common virus that can cause 6 types of cancer. While there is no treatment for HPV, there is a vaccine that can prevent it. Teens and young adults through age 26 who are not already vaccinated should get the HPV vaccine as soon as possible. (Source: American Cancer Society)
To see every immunization recommended through the lifespan and when it is best to receive those vaccines, check out the CDC Immunization Schedules. If you have questions about vaccines or think you may have missed some vaccines, talk with someone at your campus health center or local health department to make a plan to get caught up.

Where to Get Vaccines in College

It's extra important to ensure you stay up-to-date on vaccinations in college because you're living in smaller spaces like dorm rooms, learning in large classes, and meeting people from across the state, country and globe! Thankfully, campus health centers, local health departments, and pharmacies close to campuses make it super easy to get your needed immunizations.

Engage on Social Media

Follow IKC on Instagram Claire COVID Vaccine Card

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Get trustworthy vaccine info and updates straight to your social feed. Share IKC content to make sure your followers, friends, and family have the facts about vaccines.

Other Instagram accounts to follow:

The Vaccine Quest

Voices for Vaccines App

It’s normal to have questions about vaccines: How do I know they’re safe? How can I make sense of all the evidence? Voices for Vaccines has developed a free online course to teach you everything you might want to know. Whether you’re a novice or an expert, it’ll take your knowledge to the next level.

Embark on The Vaccine Quest by clicking here!

Voices for Vaccines App

Voices for Vaccines App

The world is filled with conflicting information about vaccines, leaving many people wondering what to believe. Voices for Vaccines has sorted through all the good information, the myths, and the misinformation to bring you credible, science-based vaccine information you can trust.

This app will help you debunk vaccine disinformation, start a conversation with a concerned friend, and advocate for public health to the people who mean the most to you: your friends and family.

The Voices for Vaccines app is currently available for both Android and iOS devices.
Voices for Vaccines App (Android)
Voices for Vaccine App (iOS)

How Does Misinformation Spread Quickly? | 2:02

Identifying Vaccine Misinformation
Vaccinate Your Family | 8:56