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Immunize Kansas Coalition shares tips for a successful exhibit table and how to engage conference attendees

The Immunize Kansas Coalition (IKC) regularly exhibits at in-person and virtual conferences and has tips on how to build a successful conference exhibit, involve coalition members, and improve engagement with attendees. Tips include:
  • Setting up a conference/exhibit budget: Set up a budget at the beginning of every year and prioritize the conferences where you will get the most engagement, exposure, and the best value. If you don’t have the funding or capacity to exhibit at all conferences, try using a 2–3-year rotation for certain events. Also, ask the conference partners if they would consider donating exhibit space or if they have a nonprofit rate.
  • Volunteer Support: Recruit organization members to volunteer at conferences and exhibits and allow volunteers to take shifts at multi-day conferences. Ensure volunteers feel confident before the conference begins by giving them detailed instructions, including a suggested table layout, and providing quick talking points for attendee engagement. After the event, thank volunteers and ask for feedback.
  • Conference Customization: Customize each exhibit with resources and materials that target a specified audience.